Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Texas Redistricting is Voter Suppression of Latinos


LULAC Calls New Texas Redistricting Map Blatant Voter Suppression Of Latinos

Nation’s Largest and Oldest Latino Civil Rights Organization Warns Legal Action is Ahead Again to Defend Voter Rights

Washington, DC – The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) issued the following statement after the new Texas redistricting map for Congressional seats was released Monday.

Domingo Garcia – LULAC National President
“The Texas Congressional district maps released today are a travesty of justice and a violation of the United States Constitution. The largest growth in Texas between 2010 and 2020 was Hispanics, who added to the population boom in the state. Yet, today’s map all but assures that anyone except a Latino gets a new seat in Congress. Those responsible made sure to pack Latino voters into districts with blacks and dilute us everywhere else in one of the most bizarre examples of gerrymandering we have ever witnessed. Since the 1970s, LULAC has challenged redistricting every ten years in court, and we have always won. If Senators are not going to do the right thing and address this glaring suppressing of our vote, we will go into federal court again to have our voice and our votes respected.”

Linda Chavez – LULAC National Board Member and Vice-President of the Southwest
“To say that the maps published today are shocking is an understatement. Their actions legitimize voter exclusion by distorting and twisting entire areas to suit the outcome they want! I have never seen such a blatant act in all my years of championing civil rights in Texas. These maps clearly show how discrimination targeting Latinos is still alive and well in this state. We have no choice except to challenge this plan as illegal and cannot be allowed to stand. When those who fear Latinos see our growth in sheer numbers, they do the only thing xenophobes can do. They lie, cheat and steal our right to vote and have our votes matter!”

Rodolfo Rosales Jr., - Texas LULAC State Director
“Our community is speechless at the disrespect and outright arrogance by those who would deny us our legal and civil rights. Redistricting is supposed to be an opportunity to re-apportion areas that fairly allow growing communities to have their share of representation. Yet, the process is in the hands of people who see redistricting as another path to disenfranchise and marginalize our community at the very moment when we see exponential voting interest. It is unconscionable to have political leaders say they believe in America’s values, only to turn right around and trample on the most fundamental value of our Republic, the democratic right to vote. Their contradiction is sheer hypocrisy.”

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The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit www.LULAC.org.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Farmworkers March for Voting Rights.


Grape worker Baldomero Perez knows what political voting is like and what union voting is like. "I have supported political campaigns to get people to go out and vote. It has been a very nice experience, since all voters have the right to vote from their homes by sending their ballot in by mail. Their vote is safe and they do not receive any pressure from anyone. This would help me to have union representation, benefits, fair treatment, job security and much more."

When the Agricultural Labor Relations Act was passed in 1975, it allowed for workers to vote at their place of employment. Then, being allowed to vote at all was a big step. Political voting options have changed since 1975. It has become clear that farm workers need the same opportunities. As Baldomero points out, it's not a free choice when the supervisor who threatened to fire anyone who votes for a union is glaring at you. 

We are fighting for this change through the Agricultural Labor Relations Voting Choice Act which was introduced in the California legislature. It would modernize voting for union representation giving workers the same choices voters have to submit their ballots -- including voting by mail, early ballot drop offs, the option to get help filling out their ballots and the existing in-person voting.

The bill has passed the Assembly and Senate and is on Governor Newsom's desk. However, it is facing major opposition from the $50 billion agricultural industry, which is spreading disinformation in order to try to stop the bill. That's why starting today, September 22, workers began a 19-day, 260-mile socially-distanced march from Farmersville to Sacramento

It's a tough battle. As you can imagine, nearly all the associations of growers and agribusiness are lobbying against this bill. It's remarkable how the nationwide attacks on voting rights are being seen here too in the California fields. That's why this bill is crucial. 

Make a donation today and help us win voting choice for farm workers. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Let Them In - Del Rio Texas

Statement by the National Political Committee of DSA

Abolish CBP and Let them In/Abolir La Migra y Déjalos Entrar

The National Political Committee of DSA condemns in the strongest possible terms the inhumane treatment of the 12,000+ asylum seekers currently stuck under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. These migrants have been forced to wait in a makeshift camp after crossing the Rio Grande for their petitions to be processed with little food, water, medicine, or shelter from the elements. They’ve also endured anti-Black violence at the hands of Customs and Border Protection, with reported shouts of “Go Back to Mexico” despite many of the migrants originating from Haiti, further adding to the erasure of Black immigrants in the discussion around immigration.

In May, the administration ruled that people coming to the US from Haiti would be granted TPS designation due to ongoing political unrest and climate disasters. We know these crises are rooted in US imperialism and western colonization. Instead of receiving them with dignity, 86 people were deported under Title 42, and there are more flights scheduled to depart this week.

The deportation flights must end, the border must be demilitarized, and these migrants must be allowed in. They should be allowed to petition for asylum for the violence they are fleeing. We reaffirm our position that ICE and CBP serve no purpose other than to enact racist violence in the name of xenophobic policies, designed to force the people of the Global South into a permanently-maintained, exploitable underclass. We call for these policies and the agencies that enforce them to be defunded, disarmed, and dismantled.

Time and again, the US has shown its disregard for the humane treatment of asylum seekers and migrants, and as the reconciliation bill is being finalized, it’s more important than ever that a pathway to citizenship be included. A budget is a political and moral document, and regardless of what the Senate Parliamentarian recommends, Senate Democrats and President Biden have the power to ensure millions of people living in the US are no longer arbitrarily disenfranchised.

As DSA, we will continue the public pressure to ensure that parts of the PRO Act and Green New Deal for Public Schools are in the national budget and infrastructure bill, because we recognize how the climate crisis drives migration, and thus the US obligation to house and provide universal public services to those who seek refuge from man-made disasters.  The investment of $3.5 trillion into our safety, livelihoods, and addressing the climate crisis are not optional but absolutely necessary.

We encourage members to get involved with our Immigrant Rights Working Group and join our Green New Deal campaign for shifts this weekend.

El Comité Político Nacional de los Socialistas Democráticos de América condena en los términos más enérgicos posibles el trato inhumano de los 12,000 solicitantes de asilo actualmente atrapados bajo un puente en Del Río, Texas. Estos migrantes se han visto obligados a esperar en un campamento improvisado después de cruzar el Río Bravo para que sus peticiones sean procesadas con poca comida, agua, medicinas o refugio de los elementos. También han soportado la violencia anti-negra a manos de la migra, Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza, con reporteos de gritos de “Vete a México” a pesar de que muchos de los migrantes son de Haití, añadiendo aún más al borrado de los inmigrantes negros en la discusión sobre inmigración.

En mayo, la administración dictaminó que a las personas que llegan a Estados Unidos desde Haití se les concedería la designación del TPS debido a los continuos disturbios políticos y desastres climáticos. Sabemos que estas crisis están arraigadas en el imperialismo estadounidense y en la colonización occidental. En lugar de recibirlos con dignidad, 86 personas fueron deportadas bajo el Título 42, y hay más vuelos programados para salir esta semana.

Los vuelos de deportación deben terminar, la frontera debe ser desmilitarizada y estos migrantes deben ser admitidos. Se les debe permitir solicitar asilo por la violencia de la que huyen sin más violencia. Reafirmamos nuestra posición de que ICE y CBP no tienen otro propósito que promulgar violencia racista en nombre de políticas xenófobas, diseñadas para forzar al pueblo de los países del Sur a una subclase explotable y permanentemente mantenida. Pedimos que estas políticas y las agencias que las hacen cumplir sean desfinanciadas, desarmadas, y desmanteladas.

Una y otra vez, los Estados Unidos ha mostrado su desprecio por el trato humano de los solicitantes de asilo y los migrantes, y a medida que se está finalizando el proyecto de ley de reconciliación, es más importante que nunca que se incluya un camino hacia la ciudadanía. Un presupuesto es un documento político y moral, e independientemente de lo que recomiende el parlamentario del Senado, los demócratas del Senado y el presidente Biden tienen el poder de garantizar que millones de personas que viven en los Estados Unidos ya no sean arbitrariamente privadas de sus derechos.

Como DSA, continuaremos la presión pública para asegurar que partes del PRO Act y el Nuevo Trato Verde para las Escuelas Públicas estén en el presupuesto nacional y en la factura de infraestructura, porque reconocemos cómo la crisis climática impulsa la migración, y por lo tanto, la obligación de los Estados Unidos de albergar y proporcionar servicios públicos universales a quienes buscan refugio de desastres provocados por el hombre. La inversión de $3.5 billones en nuestra seguridad, medios de vida y para abordar la crisis climática no es opcional sino absolutamente necesaria.

Animamos a nuestros miembros a que se involucren con nuestro grupo de trabajo sobre Derechos de los Inmigrantes y se unan a nuestra campaña GND4PS para turnos este fin de semana. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Major Loss on Immigration Reform


Democrats Dealt a Blow on Immigration Plans

The Senate’s parliamentarian ruled that Democrats’ plan to give 8 million immigrants a path to citizenship could not be achieved through the reconciliation process.

Members of United We Dream rallied near the White House in August to demand Congress deliver citizenship for millions of immigrants this year.
Shawn Thew/EPA, via Shutterstock

WASHINGTON — The Senate parliamentarian dealt a major setback on Sunday to Democrats’ plan to use their $3.5 trillion social policy bill to create a path to citizenship for an estimated 8 million undocumented immigrants.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

About Hispanic Heritage Month


Gavin Newsom defeats California recall election in historic vote !

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month- Sept.15 – Oct 15, 2021


By Dolores Delgado Campbell 

Hispanic Heritage Month begins in the U.S. on Sept. 15 of each year and celebrates several of the independence struggles in Latin America from 1810- through the 1820s. 

Spain ruled most of Latin America from 1521 until 1820. The movements of independence from Spanish rule began most notably on Sept. 15, 1810 in Dolores, Mexico with the Grito de Dolores when Fr, Miguel Hidalgo declared Mexico’s independence from Spain. Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates these movements of independence.  

2021 marks the 500th Anniversary of the fall of Tenochtitlan, the ancient capital of the Aztecs, today’s Mexico City, and also the 200th Anniversary  of Mexican Independence. To commemorate these historical landmarks, the Mexican Government declared 2021 as the Year of Historical Reconciliation. The Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento is participating in these celebrations with a series of binational cultural events.   “500 years of Indigenous Resistance-1521 the fall of Tenochtitlan”, programmed from Aug 16th to 31st. (in Spanish). 

There is more about the history further down in this post, but what about this complex and at times confusing  term Hispanic?

Hispanic or Latino refers to people in the U.S. from Puerto Rico, Mexico, South or Central America, as well as the  indigenous people of the once dominant Spanish empire in the Americas. The majority of these people do not call themselves Hispanic. 

The divisions and contentions over the terms Hispanic, Latino, Mexican Americans, Chicanos and others have complex historical antecedents. We are not going to resolve them here. 

The development of the term “Hispanic” was promoted by the Nixon administration to describe the collective of the variety of people descended from Latin America. Choosing this term, however, had significant political connotations and results.  In general, the use of Hispanic promotes the idea of a broad, inclusive Spanish influence.  At the same time it tends to ignore the very vast ethnic and cultural influences of the millions of indigenous people in the Americas. 

Some people prefer Hispanic; some would rather use other terms including Latino.  

So, what is a person seeking to interact with these communities to do?  Relax.  Listen to what people say about themselves.  You will hear a diversity of terms. First-generation immigrants tend to name their native country — ie. “I am Bolivian, or Argentinian,” while second- and third-generation people use the more universal terms Hispanic or Latino.  People who speak only English tend to use Hispanic more, while bilinguals tend to use Latino or other terms.  Note: not all Latinos are immigrants, some come from families that were here long before the U.S. claimed the west – such as myself..

One caution   Please don’t tell people how to define themselves. They can do that for themselves.  It is particularly not our role to define other peoples’ identities.  Listen and learn.

On population matters, the  results of the 2020 Census for redistricting purposes are just in. The nation’s population is becoming increasingly diverse due to major growth in the Latino, Asian, and multiracial populations and an aging white population that declined for the first time ever.


A total of 331.4 million were tallied in the 2020 Census, an absolute increase of 22.7 million people in the country. The Latino population led the way with slightly more than one of every two persons added to the country’s population through birth or international migration between 2010 and 2020 being Latino.  Overall, the Latino population increased by 23% during the decade while the white population declined by 8.6%.


While California is still the country’s most populist state, at the same time, White people are no longer the majority in the state.

In 2020, more than 39 percent of Californians identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino, compared with the approximately 35 percent who reported they were white and not Hispanic.


The shift makes California one of only five states or territories where white people do not make up the largest population  group. The others are Hawaii, New Mexico, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.


Also note that Asians are among the fastest-growing ethnic groups


The percentage of Californians who identify as Asian or part-Asian grew by more than 27 percent between 2010 and 2020, one of the biggest increases among ethnic groups.

By comparison, the proportion of Californians who identified as Black or part-Black increased by 5 percent.


About the history  of Hispanic Heritage month we started with.

The war of independence in Mexico  lasted until 1821.  This  challenge to  Spanish power in Mexico led to the collapse of Spanish power in the Americas  with independence struggles winning in Chile, Columbia, Venezuela , Ecuador and Peru among others.  Five Latin American countries; Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua celebrate the anniversaries of their independence on Sept. 15.

After  1810 the independence movements went through several stages. Many of the leaders were imprisoned or executed by forces loyal to Spain including  Fr, Hildalgo.

 A notable leader in South America was Simon Bolivar who organized and fought for over a decade to liberate the area now part of Chile, Columbia, Venezuela and Peru. By  1820, many of the leaders went beyond a demand for independence and took more radical positions, including the abolition of slavery.

Recommended readings.

Forget the Alamo: The Rise and Fall of an American Myth.  Burrough, Tomlinson, and Stanford.  2021.

An Indigenous People’s History of the United States. 2014.   Roxanne Dunbar- Ortiz. ( formerly a DSA member).  

This essay is an update of a piece posted in Democratic Left in 2014. 

Dolores Delgado Campbell 





Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Election Now - Please Vote

SACRAMENTO PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE: Election Now - Please Vote:     We stand at a crossroad in California. In the September 14 Special Election, will Californians choose a future where all are valued or w...