Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Sacramento Resistance - ICE

 What to do if ICE comes KNOCKING - Do you know your rights? (English & Spanish) https://issuu.com/news_review/docs/ice_110918?e=2059002/65749844 dd caption

As you may have seen in the news last night, President Trump is claiming that ICE will begin to conduct mass enforcement next week. Sacramento stands firmly against these proposed threats. We want to take this opportunity to remind you all of our local protocol in the event there is mass enforcement in our area:

We have a 24/7 hotline run by Sacramento ACT that should be utilized in two types of situations (1) Individuals that are witnessing active ICE enforcement and (2) Individuals that were apprehended by ICE within the last 12 hours.  The hotline number is (916) 245-6773 and we have attached the FUEL Rapid Response Procedure here for further information.

For those of you that have been trained as Legal Observers, Sacramento ACT will be your point of contact in the event of mass enforcement.  For immigration attorneys that signed up to volunteer in Rapid Response situations, the FUEL network staff will be in contact with you should we need assistance at the ICE processing center.

If you’d like to coordinate a Know Your Rights Presentation or Family Emergency Planning Assistance for the families you work with, please contact info@sacfuelnetwork.org or the partner organizations listed in the FUEL Referral Sheet.

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