Monday, November 06, 2006

Mexico's Legitimate President

Mexico's Legitimate President Elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announces his official cabinet

Dear Sirs,

As you may probably know, our Legitimate President Elect has already announced
his official cabinet integrated, among other prominent people, by Mr. José Agustín
Ortíz Pinchetti, as Head of the Secretarat of Politic Affairs; Mr. Gustavo Iruega, to
head the Secretariat of International Affairs, former Attorney General of Mexico City
Mr. Bernardo Batiz, to lead the Secretariat of Justice and Security; Mrs. Claudia Sheinbaum
in charge of the Defense of National Resources such as the Oil Industry (PEMEX), etc., from
attempts of privatization by foreign companies; Mrs. Raquel Sosa to head the Secretariat
of Education, Science and Technology, which will have as its priority the defense of free,
secular and public education at all levels. Mr. Lopez Obrador will be also assisted
by a group of specialists in different ambits such as renowned writer Elena Poniatowska,
businessman and specialist in economics, Mr. Rogelio Ramirez de la O., journalist
Federico Arreola (recently cut off from the newspaper he founded just for supporting
Lopez Obrador), Ignacio Marvan and Jose María Perez Gay.

Mr. Cockcroft, Stephen Lendman, and other highly prestigious writers and journalists have been objectively
discussing and broadcasting the real reasons behind the countless illegitimate activities to prevent
Mr. Lopez Obrador from reaching the presidency of Mexico, perpetrated --as many of us
are already aware-- by the right-wing group currently in power with the support of the right-wing
in the United States and Spain, mainly, and the mercenary media in Mexico and abroad.

History has taught us about the criminal actions by the different USA governments
aided by their accomplices in countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, Chile,
Venezuela, the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, to name just a few nations that
have suffered the abusive intervention of the White House, the Pentagon,
in cahoots with the high clergy, the WB and IMF, the mainstream media, which
like those in support of Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderon, etc.,
are part of the same goal: global domination of resources...evidently, the
fact that a leftist administration headed by Mr. Lopez Obrador meant a
serious threat to such designs was the real reason for the past
fraudulent election.

To us, members of the National Democratic Convention along with the
efforts of the National Ample Progressive Front, integrated by the
three political parties that formed the Coalition for the Good of All, it is of
paramount importance to continue our efforts to counteract the attacks of the
retrograde right-wing mafia supported by the powerful corporations and
banking institutions who view Mr. Lopez Obrador, the National
Democratic Convention and the National Progressive Front, as a threat.

With our most respectful regards,

Patricia Barba Avila
Coordination of International Media

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