Our struggle is to bring social, political, and economic justice to our nation. This is an effort of the Chicano/Mexican American Digital History Project. https://sites.google.com/site/chicanodigital/
Monday, February 27, 2017
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Immigrants Strike Around the Country
Arkansas poultry workers, Brooklyn warehouse workers and house cleaners, Twin Cities roofers, and thousands of students in places like Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Charlotte, North Carolina. They were all among the tens of thousands who stayed home from work or school across the country during Thursday, February 16’s “Day without Immigrants.”
The action, largely spread over social media and informal networks in working-class immigrant communities, was a response to President Donald Trump’s promise to dramatically expand immigration enforcement and the wave of raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement the prior week.
In a Facebook post, Minnesota worker center CTUL suggested sample language for workers who planned to strike:
"My co-workers and I are going on strike to show that immigrant workers are a crucial part of the economy. We want our employers to declare that they will not discriminate against workers based on national origin or religion. We also want our employer to call the White House to oppose Donald Trump’s immigration policies. We are on a one-day strike on February 16, 2017 and we will come back to work the next day, on February 17, 2017."
"Submit this message by letter, text, or email to your boss," wrote CTUL. "Keep a copy and document any response you get from your boss. If you are a member of a union, contact your union rep first."
Workers thinking about participating in similar strikes may also want to consult the NLRB's Guideline Memorandum Concerning Unfair Labor Practice Charges Involving Political Advocacy, issued in the wake of the mass strike by immigrant workers on May 1, 2006.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
ICE Agents Deport Widely
In Virginia, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents waited outside a church shelter where undocumented immigrants had gone to stay warm. In Texas and in Colorado, agents went into courthouses, looking for foreigners who had arrived for hearings on other matters.
At Kennedy International Airport in New York, passengers arriving after a five-hour flight from San Francisco were asked to show their documents before they were allowed to get off the plane.
The Trump administration’s far-reaching plan to arrest and deport vast numbers of undocumented immigrants has been introduced in dramatic fashion over the past month. And much of that task has fallen to thousands of ICE officers who are newly emboldened, newly empowered and already getting to work.
Gone are the Obama-era rules that required them to focus only on serious criminals. In Southern California, in one of the first major roundups during the Trump administration, officers detained 161 people with a wide range of felony and misdemeanor convictions, and 10 who had no criminal history at all.
NYTimes. Feb. 25, 2017
See the High Cost of Trump's Deportations.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Trump Double Talk on Immigration
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Photo: David Bacon |
IMMIGRATION DOUBLE TALK: President Donald Trump touted his immigration enforcement record during a roundtable Thursday with manufacturing executives. "You see what's happening at the border, all of the sudden for the first time, we're getting gang members out, we're getting drug lords out, we're getting really bad dudes out of this country," Trump said. He called his deportation efforts "a military operation," a loaded phrase in view of a draft government memo that last week floated the idea of using National Guard to enforce immigration laws.
Even as Trump boasted about tough enforcement, one of his top immigration officials insisted not much had changed. Speaking in Mexico City, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said: "There will be no - repeat - no mass deportations." And also: "No - repeat - no use of military force in immigration operations. None."
Welcome to the Trump administration's duelling realities about immigration policy. Trump touts his new iron-fisted approach ("The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my campaign promise," he tweeted earlier this month. "Gang members, drug dealers & others are being removed!"). Kelly and federal immigration officials insist it's business as usual (DHS "doesn't have the resources to go into communities and start rounding people up. That's entirely a fiction of folks' imagination," an anonymous DHS official said earlier this week). Is Trump all bluster? Or is Kelly downplaying some dramatic policy changes? We'll find out soon enough.
From Politico's Morning Edition
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Civil Rights Groups Condemn New Deportation Rules
LULAC Condemns DHS Memos That Set the Stage for Mass Deportations
Enforcement Priorities Apply to Almost Every Undocumented Immigrant. Feb. 20, 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a series of memos detailing the enforcement procedures for President Trump’s executive orders on immigration and border security.
Under the new guidance, the Department of Homeland Security has effectively ended the Obama-era focus on deporting the most dangerous criminal aliens and has replaced it with a policy that makes almost every undocumented immigrant an enforcement priority. Those accused or even suspected of breaking the law will now be targeted for deportation without a trial. Due process protections and access to our judicial system are dramatically eroded with the expansion of “expedited removal” to the entire country.
“The new guidelines could result in the deportation of millions, including the non-threatening hardworking immigrants that President Trump has said he wants to help,” said LULAC National President Roger C. Rocha, Jr. “Without prioritization, criminal felons will be lost in the hunt for harmless undocumented immigrants whose only infraction is seeking a better life for themselves and their families.”
Although the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) and the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability program (DAPA) remain intact, the memo indicates that further guidance for these programs will be provided in the future and notes that the DAPA program is currently blocked by the courts. In addition, the memo establishes the Victims of Immigration Crime Enforcement (VOICE) Office in order to report crimes committed by undocumented immigrants.
We Will Not Be Doing Mass Deportations -Yet, says ICE !
“We do not have the personnel, time or
resources to go into communities and round up people and do all kinds of mass
throwing folks on buses. That’s entirely a figment of folks’ imagination,” said
the official, who was joined on the call by two others, all of whom spoke on
condition of anonymity to answer questions. “This is not intended to produce
mass roundups, mass deportations.”
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-administration-seeks-to-prevent-panic-over-new-immigration-enforcement-policies/2017/02/21/a2a695a8-f847-11e6-bf01-d47f8cf9b643_story.html?utm_term=.f5d08ed0ef62 Washington Post.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-administration-seeks-to-prevent-panic-over-new-immigration-enforcement-policies/2017/02/21/a2a695a8-f847-11e6-bf01-d47f8cf9b643_story.html?utm_term=.f5d08ed0ef62 Washington Post.
The new regulations,
Currently, deportation depend upon persons arrested agreeing
to be quickly deported. DHS will be significantly
increasing the number of Border Patrol and Immigration Hearing Officers. Unless
they have convicted of prior felony,
persons arrested are immediately offered a “voluntary” departure. If you sign it, most people will be deported
within 2-3 days. ( In California it is usually the same day.)
The new rules call for the immediate deportation of "undocumented immigrants who have been charged
with crimes but not convicted, those who commit acts that constitute a
“chargeable criminal offense,” and those who an immigration officer concludes
pose “a risk to public safety or national security.”
These rules changes make it possible to deport
millions of immigrants. Have you used a
false social security number ? Have you
accepted a “voluntary departure”, and then returned to the U.S. to be with your
family ? Does the arresting officer
think that you might be a risk to public safety or national security ? Any one
of these issues could make it possible to deport you- although you have a good
reason to be in this country.
One strategy to
defeat these mass deportations is for those arrested to refuse to sign the
“voluntary” departure. Note; This is a serious decision.. Each individual will have
to make their own decision. Persons
refusing to sign may have to remain in jail for months.
The jails will fill within days- even the private
prisons. And, the courts will be
Then what? Those
arrested must ask for attorneys. Under
the current system, over 90% arrested
sign the “voluntary “ departure. They do
not receive attorney’s or legal counsel.
Myth: Immigrants Do Not Pay Taxes
MYTH: "Immigrants don't pay taxes"
On average, undocumented immigrants contribute more in taxes than they consume in public benefits, and are estimated to have contributed nearly $50 billion in federal taxes between 1996 and 2003. They also contribute between $7-8 billion in social security funds annually--that's $100 billion in the past 15 years that they will never claim.
By legalizing the undocumented workforce, we will bring these workers out of the underground economy and increase social security and federal tax revenue. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that if the 2007 immigration reform bill had passed, legalizing 12 million undocumented immigrants, it would have generated $48 billion in new federal revenue through 2008-2017.5 Likewise, legalizing immigrants will contribute significantly to the social security system since immigrants tend to be younger than the native-born.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
No- Obama's Immigration Policy Was Not the Same as Trump's
Some Immigrant Rights advocates have been arguing that Obama was just as bad as Trump. That there is no significant difference.
In today's Washington Post and Sacramento Bee, Ruben Navarette makes a similar argument.
They should stop.
In today's Washington Post and Sacramento Bee, Ruben Navarette makes a similar argument.
They should stop.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Monday, February 13, 2017
We Can Resist Trump's Deportation Orders - Here is How
By Duane Campbell. Feb. 13, 2017
The chaos created by Donald Trump’s ban on refugees is only the
beginning of a crisis that Trump and his allies are creating. Less noticed was Trump’s rollout
of executive actions on immigration and the border wall on Jan. 25.
These executive orders were the opening act of what is certain to be an
aggressive crackdown on unauthorized immigration. The left responded quickly to the Jan. 27 ban
on refugees with important protests and significant legal
challenges. However, Trump
has created so many crises in his first weeks that it would be easy to miss the long-term
train wreck being created by Trump’s earlier executive actions on the border wall and the expansion
of arrests and deportations.
On Jan. 25 Trump signed an executive
on immigration
that directs ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents to
use a broadened definition of
“criminal” and focus deportation efforts not only on those who have been
convicted of crimes, but also those who have been charged, or “have committed
acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense.” This order will increase the number of persons
subject to deportation by at least 2 million and the order will triple the
number of agents in the ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations office and give
them broad power to ultimately decide who should be deported. Increased
deportations have already begun under this new executive order.
See the numerous posts below.
Past use of aggressive interior enforcement, then called “Secure
Communities,” was an abject failure. ICE agents conducted raids and arrested
people at work sites, schools, and on the streets. Often they jailed complete families. In most cases, these
arrests and deportations depended upon the cooperation of local police and
social service agencies (see sanctuary cities, below).
The campaigns deported parents of U.S.
citizens, disrupting families, schools, and
workplaces. The raids were too often done without proper warrants and other
procedural safeguards.
The Wall
(or Fence)
We should not assume that each of the Trump executive
will be accepted and implemented. On the
contrary. The orders produce contradictions
and will produce resistance.
Yes, the U.S. can build a wall or fencing on the U.S. side of
the border, except for that portion of the border that is on the Tohono O’odhom
reservation in Arizona. But the wall
will be an expensive failure.
Trump’s demand to build the wall and to impose tariffs is
producing a reaction in Mexico. The U.S. not only imports from Mexico, U.S.
corporations also exported to Mexico
$267 billion dollars worth of goods
in 2015. Mexico is the U.S.’s second
largest export market. A tariff on the
U.S. side will likely produce a tariff on the Mexican side that could cost some
1 million jobs in the U.S.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Immigrants and Allies Fight Back
his first weeks as President, Donald Trump has enacted some alarming and
draconian executive orders. The most alarming has been his executive orders attacking
executive action, among other things, affects deportation policy and
priorities. One of the main things that this executive order does is broaden
its definition of ‘priority’ for deportation (a priority is the people that the
Department of Homeland Security focuses its resources to deport). Priorities
now include anyone that has been accused of a crime, regardless if they were
convicted or not, as well as anyone who has previously had an encounter with
the immigration system.
broad definition of a ‘priority’ has put millions of people under the threat of
deportation. Which is why now, more than ever, it is important for immigrants
to know and exercise their rights in case they were to come into contact with
an immigration agents and local law enforcement.
are the rights that immigrants must know during a Trump presidency:
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) cannot come into your home without a warrant signed by an immigration court judge. With your door shut, ask them to slide the signed warrant
under the door or push it up against a window. They cannot come in unless you
let them.
can and will use anything you say against you in court. It’s important for you
to remain silent and ask to speak to your attorney. Simply tell the immigration officer: “I am exercising my fifth
amendment right and choosing to remain silent until I speak to my attorney”.
times, I.C.E. and Customs and Border Protection (C.B.P.) will attempt to trick
and make you sign your own deportation. This is also known as a voluntary
departure. Do NOT sign anything that they give you without first speaking to an
Thursday, February 09, 2017
Phoenix Immigrant Mother - Arrested, Deported . New ICE Policies
Associated Press
PHOENIX (AP) - An immigrant mother in Phoenix granted leniency
during the Obama administration was deported to Mexico Thursday in what
activists said was an early example of how President Donald Trump plans to
carry through on his vow to crack down on illegal immigration.
The case of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos became a rallying cry for
immigrant groups who believe Trump's approach to immigration will unfairly tear
apart countless families.
Her arrest prompted a raucous demonstration in downtown Phoenix
late Wednesday as protesters blocked enforcement vans from leaving a U.S.
immigration office. Seven people were arrested.
Garcia de Rayos said on Thursday evening that she didn't regret
her decision to report to Immigration and Customs Enforcement despite knowing
she'd risk getting arrested.
Garcia de Rayos spoke from the Kino Border Initiative, a soup
kitchen and shelter in Nogales, Mexico, where many migrants go after being
deported. Her U.S.-citizen children were by her side, their first time in
Mexico, their mother said.
"I'm doing this for my kids so they have a better life. I
will keep fighting so they can keep studying in their home country," she
said. "We're a united family. We're a family who goes to church on
Sundays, we work in advocacy. We're active."
Garcia de Rayos was deported around 10 a.m. from a Nogales
border crossing and ICE worked with Mexican consular officials to repatriate
her, agency spokeswoman Yasmeen Pitts O'Keefe said in a statement. She said her
case underwent a thorough review that determined the 35-year-old mother of two
children with U.S. citizenship had no "legal basis to remain in the
"ICE will continue to focus on identifying and removing
individuals with felony convictions who have final orders of removal issued by
the nation's immigration courts," Pitts O'Keefe said.
Read the entire piece. http://www.nbc-2.com/story/34462698/several-arrested-as-deportation-fear-prompts-phoenix-protest
The Mexican government said in a statement on Thursday that
Garcia de Rayos' deportation is the "new reality" immigrants face in
the United States.
Mexico's foreign relations department said that her removal is
an example of more severe immigration enforcement.
Officials warned other Mexicans in the U.S. to be cautious,
aware of their rights and to stay in contact with their local consulate.
She came to the U.S. from the Mexican state of Guanajuato when
she was 14 and has two children who are U.S. citizens, said the Puente Arizona
immigrant advocacy group based in Phoenix.
Associated Press writers
Paul Davenport and Bob Seavey in Phoenix contributed to this report.
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
The Power of " Immigrant Welcoming Congregations"
Photoessay by David Bacon
The Progressive, February 1, 2017
Five years ago, the Reverend Deborah Lee of the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity began organizing church vigils outside the West County Detention Center in Richmond, California. Vigil participants have won the ability to meet with detainees inside the prison, offered sanctuary, and have found legal help for families.
"Solidarity is our protection," says Reverend Lee. "We ask faith communities to consider declaring themselves 'sanctuary congregations' or 'immigrant-welcoming congregations.'"

In 2011 people of faith began holding a vigil outside the West County Detention Center, where immigrants are incarcerated before being deported.

A Jewish activist blows the shofar, or ram's horn, outside the detention center, as a call to resist oppression and as part of a prayer service called during a time of communal distress.

One vigil was sponsored by members of the Unitarian Universalist Church, which developed a slogan for its work to halt deportations, "Standing on the Side of Love."
Photoessay by David Bacon
The Progressive, February 1, 2017
Five years ago, the Reverend Deborah Lee of the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity began organizing church vigils outside the West County Detention Center in Richmond, California. Vigil participants have won the ability to meet with detainees inside the prison, offered sanctuary, and have found legal help for families.
"Solidarity is our protection," says Reverend Lee. "We ask faith communities to consider declaring themselves 'sanctuary congregations' or 'immigrant-welcoming congregations.'"

In 2011 people of faith began holding a vigil outside the West County Detention Center, where immigrants are incarcerated before being deported.

A Jewish activist blows the shofar, or ram's horn, outside the detention center, as a call to resist oppression and as part of a prayer service called during a time of communal distress.

One vigil was sponsored by members of the Unitarian Universalist Church, which developed a slogan for its work to halt deportations, "Standing on the Side of Love."
Sunday, February 05, 2017
Trump's Executive Order Puts Millions At Risk
The chaos created by Donald
Trump’s ban on refugees is the beginning of a crisis that Trump and his allies
are creating. The
Trump administration’s dramatic rollout of executive actions on immigration on Jan, 25 was the opening act
of what is certain to be an aggressive crackdown on unauthorized immigration.
On Jan. 25 Trump signed
an Executive Order on immigration
that directs ICE
(Immigration and Customs Enforcement ) agents to use a broadened definition of “criminal” and
focus deportation efforts not only on those who have been convicted of crimes,
but also those who have been charged, or “have committed acts that constitute a
chargeable criminal offense”. His order
will triple the number of agents in the ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations
office and would give them broad power
to ultimately decide who should be deported.
As editor, I agree with this position of Roque Planas on The Huffington Post.
Buried in President Donald Trump’s executive order for a crackdown on so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions, signed Wednesday, is his administration’s first official statement of which undocumented immigrants it will classify as a deportation priorities.
The short answer is: almost anyone.
“It’s pretty much designed to include whoever they want to include,” immigration attorney David Leopold told The Huffington Post. “It’s written by a smart lawyer. It’s written to include everybody, while looking like it’s chasing criminals. It’s carte blanche for Trump’s deportation force to pick up anyone they want to.”
Call the Legislature. Support Immigrant Rights Bills
CA Capitol office numbers: De Leon 916-651-4024; Hueso 916-651-4040; Lara 916-651-4033; Bonta 916-319-2018; Kalra 916-319-2027
SB 6 (HUESO -D-SAN DIEGO); Immigrants: removal proceedings: legal services
SB 29 (Lara-D-Bell Gardens): Law enforcement: immigration
SB 31 (Lara – D Bell Gardens) Religious Freedom Nondisclosure Act: state agencies: disclosure of religious information.
AB 3 (BONTA -D -OAKLAND): Public defenders: legal counsel: immigration consequences: grants.
AB-21 Public postsecondary education: Access to Higher Education for Every Student – Ash Kalra (D-San Jose)
Locate your legislators and find out more information about the bills .
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