Friday, October 11, 2024

Webinar: The Border, Immigration, Dog Whistle Politics, and Political Reality



North Star Webinar. ( Actually a meeting)


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The Border, Immigration, Dog Whistle Politics and Political Reality.

Videos, updates from the border, and strategy.

Plus, Break out rooms to promote open discussion/dialogue. 

Sunday, October 20, 2024.    2 PM Pacific.  5 PM Eastern. 

Presented by North Star Caucus.


Speaking. Oct 20,2024.   Via video recording.

Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, Ian Haney-Lopez.


Duane Campbell.  DSA. Over 50 years in the immigration struggles. 

Also speaking. Participants/Dialogue  

Members of the North Star community. 


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 846 2412 5150

Passcode: 000357




Community members may request participation link here.



Saturday, October 05, 2024

Ways to Participate in These Vital Elections

 Ways to participate in elections.


Volunteer to be a poll worker

Volunteer to be a poll watcher

Boost voter turn out.   Send cards, text messages, phone bank.   

Defend the right to vote.  Oppose voter interference.  Voter suppression. 

Educate your friends and neighbors, and union members, church members, civil rights organizations, etc.


The California Poor People’s Campaign has produced a voter education page. 

The California Poor People’s Campaign has produced a voter education page. 


We’ve put together a voting education page to support you as you make preparations to vote. The page offers a variety of resources to prepare for this year’s elections, including:

  • A Voting Record: This voting record graphic will help you see where major candidates and parties stand on the big issues of the day, from raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour to lowering prescription drug prices. It offers detailed information about how they’ve voted on these issues in the past.
  • Voter Protection Resources: These resources include voter protection hotlines and websites for help if you face any issues voting in this year’s elections. Trained experts will ensure you are able to cast a ballot.
  • Everything You Need to Vote: This graphic includes clickable links to essential resources, such as important deadlines for voting in your state, registration checks, absentee ballot requests, ballot previews ahead of time, finding local polling place locators, election reminders, and registration to vote. 

We encourage you to share this page with your friends, family, and social networks. These resources will help guarantee that we can mobilize many poor and low-income infrequent voters during this year’s elections

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

J.D. Vance

J.D. Vance, Oct 2. 


Vance is an extremist of the most dangerous kind — Yale educated. He has slandered an entire Haitian community, He has spread unfounded panic and fear. He has boosted the Nazi replacement theory, including last nite when he falsely claimed that Harris brought in 25 million “migrants" to compete with American citizens for rare affordable housing. He is a booster of 2025. And he was part of the gang who tried to block the peaceful transfer of power in 2021. He is a subversive. He is an insurrectionist. He’s anti democratic. JD Vance is a well-educate, eloquent American Fascist.


Marc Cooper. 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Latino Civil Rights vs.Project 2025

 The Battle Ahead: Latino Civil Rights vs. Project 2025

Prepared by Adriana Varea, Ari Kittrie, and Joaquin Macias, LULAC Policy and Legislation Fellows


The 2025 Mandate for Leadership, The Conservative Promise, more publicly recognized as “Project 2025” is a roadmap for the first 180 days in office for a conservative presidency. It was drafted by The Heritage Foundation, which is a right-leaning, conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. charged with crafting policies that align with the Republican party. The Heritage Foundation gave the first Mandate for Leadership to Reagan to “repair the executive branch” after Jimmy Carter’s presidency.

Former President Trump has recently distanced himself from Project 2025 by tweeting:

“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.” (@realDonaldTrump)

However, this was refuted by a 2022 statement from former President Trump:

“[The Heritage Foundation] is a great group, and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America.” (Bennen, 2024)

Additionally, several authors, editors, and contributors of Project 2025 have previously worked for the Trump administration. Roughly 64% of policy recommendations from the 2016 Mandate for Leadership were either implemented or taken into consideration by the Trump Administration in 2017 (The Heritage Foundation).

In this article, we will outline ten specific ways in which Project 2025 disproportionately negatively impacts Latino civil rights.

1. Establish a Unitary Executive Branch

2. Mass Deportations

“Prioritizing border security and immigration enforcement, including detention and deportation, is critical if we are to regain control of the border.” (Project 2025, pg. 135)

Project 2025 plans to repeal parts of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 to allow for the large-scale use of detention facilities to mass incarcerate migrants. It also will change Title 8 of U.S. Code § 1226 to require mandatory detention for unauthorized migrants caught within the U.S. interior (pg. 150). To compound this, Project 2025 will also increase Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) capabilities by removing all sensitive zones where ICE personnel are prohibited from operating, allowing for raids in schools, churches, and businesses (pg. 142).

Project 2025 calls to authorize state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration and border security actions (pg. 150). Through deputizing local law enforcement, there will be a lack of oversight and accountability, allowing for abuses of the system that would disproportionately hurt the Latino community. Additionally, Latinos would have a more difficult time receiving impartial hearings and legal representation, especially because detainees are not entitled to public defenders as criminal defendants are. To compound upon this, the Supreme Court Case Loper Bright Entreprises vs. Raimondo, which repealed the Chevron Deference, has the potential to take immigration hearings away from the United States Immigration and Citizenship Services and shift them to the local courts. These local courts notoriously have long backlogs and a limited understanding of immigration policies and laws, which would force Latinos to have long and unjust trials.

3. Cutting Off Legal Immigration

“Victimization should not be a basis for an immigration benefit.” (pg. 144) “If CISOMB continues as a DHS component, a policy should be issued that prohibits CISOMB from assisting illegal aliens to obtain benefits. Currently, approximately 15 percent–20 percent of CISOMB’s workload consists of helping DACA applicants obtain and renew benefits, including work authorization. This is not the role of an ombudsman.” (Project 2025, pg. 166)

Project 2025 proposes to cut down on legal immigration by limiting interim immigration into the United States. For example, it calls for an increase in visa application fees. It plans to limit the issuance of H-2A and H2-B visas for seasonal agricultural workers, as well as the complete elimination of T and U visas meant to protect trafficking or crime victims who are actively cooperating with law enforcement as a witness (pg. 612, 141). Project 2025 calls to remove and deport all Temporary Status designations for migrants whose home countries are considered unsafe to live in (pg. 145). Finally, Project 2025 will phase out DACA for the over 500,000 recipients by eliminating staff time for reviewing and processing renewal applications which will make it very hard for DACA recipients to renew their status given the proposed lack of staff present to do so (pg.145).


And More 


Project 2025


and on our Electoral Fight Back site. 


 Our building a united front is here;
 North Star: Defeat MAGA/Fight for Democracy Action Opportunities
List of opportunities:

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Latino Book Festival


The second annual Sacramento Latino Book and Family Festival will take place this weekend at Sacramento City College.

The event celebrates literacy and this year features 60 authors, along with actor and activist Edward James Olmos. There will also be Aztec dancers and more entertainment. 

Rene Aguilera, the festival’s organizer and award-winning author Reyna Grande joined KCRA 3 on Wednesday to talk about the event. 

Grande, who is from Woodland, is the author of books including “The Distance Between Us” and “A Dream Called Home.” 

Aguilera said she was honored to represent the community at the event and encouraged people to read “and celebrate our stories.” 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

How False Narrative About Haitians Gained Traction

RS Seminar- Economic Crisis: How False Narrative About Haitians Gained Traction:   Why debunked falsehoods about Haitian migrants gained traction By  Tiffany Hsu The latest, with 42 days to go, Sept, 24, 2024,    The fals...