Thursday, September 19, 2024

Anti-Immigrant Campaigns in California

 The Immigration fight in this election is real. We should not assume all will be well.


In “liberal” California in 1994. Then Governor Pete Wilson ( Republican)was far behind in his election campaign.

A proposed ballot initiative Save Our State was placed on the ballot by anti immigrant forces. It had numerous anti- immigrant clauses, mass deportations, mass arrests, etc. It included provisions to deny immigrant children access to public schools ( they cost money). It would have required teachers to turn in students that they thought were undocumented. 

Anti-immigrant and Anti Mexican reached a level not seen since Operation Wetback in 1953-1954. Voters in California passed the Prop. 187 by a margin of 62 % to 38%. Governor Wilson focused his re-election campaign on Prop. 187 and won re-election easily. 


All but one of Pro.187 provisions were blocked from enforcement by federal courts based upon the U.S. constitution.

In later years, the political mobilization in the Latino community in response to Prop.187 led to a turn around in California politics and the election of numerous Latino leaders. 

DSA in California worked night and day to defeat Prop.187, and we lost. 


The current  focus of the Trump campaign on immigration is using similar scapegoating, false narratives, altered images, and this week the scandal in Springfield, Ohio.

Please be aware. There is an available, hidden anti-immigrant vote in many states. Arizona, Texas and Florida have passed and are enforcing harsh bills.

The action in Texas at the border, a state with a large Mexican-American population, illustrates how these campaigns can be used to promote proto fascists governments. 


Capital and Main is a Los Angeles based news outlet with strong union ties.

As Election Nears, Republicans Pour Millions Into Anti-Immigrant Ad Campaign

Candidates and their supporters have spent $117 million to portray the situation at the border as an invasion.


It would be foolish to ignore the potential of these campaigns. 


Duane Campbell


Former member of the DSA Immigrants Rights Working Group. 


See, “The Blue-ing” of California.  Harold Meyerson. New Labor Forum.   CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies. Jan. 2020. 

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