Friday, July 10, 2020

Biden Platform and Immigration

On Wednesday, the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force announced their policy recommendations. The goal of these task forces was to create the foundation for the Biden and the Democratic Party official policy commitments. I took part in the immigration task force as one of the people brought on by the Bernie Sanders campaign.


I accepted because we had to make sure Biden’s platforms reflected the demands that immigrant and Latinx communities have been organizing towards for years.


I accepted because if we could set the pace now, we would expand what is possible for our organizing during a Biden administration.


Going into these task force negotiations, I knew we would have to push Biden past his comfort zone, both to reconcile with past offenses and carve a new path forward.


That’s exactly what we did, unapologetically. 


It has been my privilege to bring our community’s demands to the table, and we have some wins to celebrate. Some of Biden’s commitments include:

- Establishing a 100 day moratorium on deportations including a full ICE audit;

- Ending private detention;

- Ending 287(g), and similar programs;

- Ending the infamous Operation Streamline;

- Guaranteeing free health coverage to all people regardless of immigration or economic status during a public health crisis like COVID-19; and

- Retiring some of the old slogans and solutions that have not served us and do not meet the moment.

With these recommendations and many more, we already know a Biden presidency will stand in stark contrast to the Trump policies of today. We are ready to make sure Biden and the Democratic Party implement these commitments in their entirety when Biden is elected.

In order to get there, however, we have some very important work to do now. And we are really going to need your help.

Today and every day until the November election, we have to mobilize Latinos against Trump. Because the only way our people, and our demands will have a fighting chance, is to get Trump out of the White House. Will you commit to be in the fight by making a contribution to our Fuera Trump campaign right now?


Thank you for being with us this far. Now, let’s get it done.

Marisa Franco

Mijente Director and Co-Founder

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