Administration trying to seize the embassy.
The Trump regime issues almost daily threats of military action against the people of Venezuela, and U.S. imposed economic sanctions are killing Venezuelan workers and children. The U.S. government is also trying to seize the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC, an act that is prohibited by the Vienna Convention.
The U.S. war machine has repeatedly invaded countries around the world, engaging in corporate-backed coups to feed the U.S.-led capitalist system, and today we are witnessing yet another such aggression by our government.
At the invitation of the Maduro government, U.S. activists are living inside the Venezuelan embassy, protecting it from invasion by U.S.-backed coup supporters.
The Trump regime is illegally blockading the embassy, using the Secret Service in a failed attempt to intimidate the activists. The Secret Service prevents food deliveries to the Embassy Protection Collective, including DSA members, and stands by idly as pro-coup supporters brutalize them.
Wednesday, the Secret Service and an opposition mob attacked the president of Veterans for Peace, who was making a food delivery. The 72-year-old man required medical treatment. Electrical power to the embassy was illegally cut off, and an attack on the embassy may be imminent.
We urge DSA chapters and members to visibly and vocally protest U.S. imperialism in Venezuela:
Support the Embassy Protection Collective:
- If you’re in or near Washington, DC, go to the Venezuelan embassy (1099 30th St NW) to show your support, as many Metro DC DSA members have done. Be prepared to conduct an emergency rally if the Secret Service forcibly evicts the Embassy Protection Collective.
Urge Congressional leadership to push back against Trump’s imperialist agenda:
- The number to the Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121. The switchboard can connect you to any member of Congress, or follow links below:
- Contact your representatives and senators and ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 1004 and S.J. Res. 11, Prohibiting Unauthorized Military Action in Venezuela Act.
The Democratic Socialists of America supports the Embassy Protection Collective and condemns the coup attempts by the U.S. As recent history illustrates, U.S. military intervention in other nations brings misery and death, not democracy and freedom. #HandsOffVenezuela!

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