Thursday, December 30, 2010

NNIR; Immigration in the next year

As a memorable 2010 comes to a close, we ask for your support of NNIRR. Giving an end-of-the year donation takes only a few minutes, and your contribution will help us to continue the fight for immigrant rights and justice. Please contribute as much as you can.
We're sure you've seen the news -- the Republicans and anti-immigrant proponents are promising to squash any proposals for genuine immigration reforms, while drumming up more anxieties through their hateful and misguided proposals like Arizona's SB 1070.Among their plans is a challenge to the 14th amendment, which ensures citizenship of those born in the U.S., including the children of undocumented immigrants. And with the 2012 general election on the horizon, anti-immigrant posturing will likely storm ahead.
So we will have a lot to do -- all of us -- to stop the further deterioration of rights and continue the fight for the well-being and safety of all immigrants and their families.

Just one more request -- you can help us to celebrate the National Network's 25th anniversary in 2011 by signing on as a NNIRR sustainer on the online donation page. A regular donation, of whatever size, every month or every three months -- will help the National Network to carry out its programs and responsibilities in what is sure to be a dynamic and challenging next year.

Click here to see highlights of NNIRR's activities in 2010, and what's on the agenda for 2011.

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